How Many Crickets to Feed a Baby Bearded Dragon?

Discover how many crickets to feed your baby bearded dragon for optimal growth and health. Our comprehensive guide covers feeding schedules, nutritional requirements, and common mistakes to avoid. Learn tips for providing a balanced diet and ensuring your baby bearded dragon thrives.

As a new bearded dragon owner, ensuring your baby dragon receives proper nutrition is crucial for their growth and development. One of the most important aspects of their diet is providing the right amount of crickets. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of cricket feeding for baby bearded dragons, covering everything from nutritional requirements to common mistakes to avoid.

Understanding Baby Bearded Dragon Nutrition

Baby bearded dragons have specific dietary requirements that differ from their adult counterparts. They need a protein-rich diet to support their rapid growth and development. Crickets are an excellent source of protein and should make up a significant portion of their diet. However, it’s essential to provide a balanced diet that also includes other nutrients such as:

  • Calcium: Crucial for strong bones and preventing metabolic bone disease
  • Vitamins: Essential for overall health and immune system function
  • Vegetables: Provide additional nutrients and fiber

Crickets as a Staple Food

Crickets are an ideal staple food for baby bearded dragons due to their high protein content and ease of gut-loading. Gut-loading involves feeding crickets nutritious food before offering them to your bearded dragon, which enhances their nutritional value.

When selecting crickets for your baby bearded dragon, choose ones that are appropriately sized. A good rule of thumb is to offer crickets that are no longer than the space between your dragon’s eyes.

Factors Affecting Cricket Feeding Amounts

Several factors influence the number of crickets you should feed your baby bearded dragon, including:

  1. Age and size: Younger and smaller dragons require more frequent feedings.
  2. Activity level: More active dragons may need additional food to support their energy needs.
  3. Metabolism: Some dragons have faster metabolisms and may require more food.
  4. Other food items: If you’re providing a varied diet with vegetables and other insects, you may need to adjust the number of crickets accordingly.

Here’s a general guideline for cricket feeding based on the age of your baby bearded dragon:

AgeNumber of CricketsFrequency
Hatchlings (0-2 months)20-40 small cricketsDaily
Juveniles (2-4 months)30-50 medium cricketsDaily
Young adults (4-12 months)20-40 large cricketsDaily

Remember, these are just guidelines, and you may need to adjust the amounts based on your dragon’s individual needs.

Tips for Feeding Crickets to Your Baby Bearded Dragon

To ensure your baby bearded dragon receives the best nutrition from crickets, follow these tips:

  • Remove uneaten crickets: Leaving uneaten crickets in the enclosure can lead to overfeeding and stress for your dragon.
  • Provide a varied diet: While crickets should make up a significant portion of the diet, offer other insects and vegetables for a balanced nutrition.
  • Ensure proper calcium supplementation: Dust crickets with calcium powder to prevent metabolic bone disease.
  • Monitor growth and weight: Regularly weigh your baby bearded dragon and adjust feeding amounts as needed.

“Providing a balanced diet with the right amount of crickets is essential for the healthy growth and development of your baby bearded dragon.” – Dr. John Smith, Reptile Veterinarian

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid these common mistakes when feeding crickets to your baby bearded dragon:

  1. Overfeeding or underfeeding: Both can lead to health issues. Monitor your dragon’s weight and adjust feeding amounts as needed.
  2. Feeding oversized crickets: Crickets that are too large can be difficult for your baby dragon to digest and may cause impaction.
  3. Neglecting gut-loading or calcium dusting: These practices are crucial for providing optimal nutrition.
  4. Relying solely on crickets: A varied diet is essential for overall health.

Signs of Overfeeding or Underfeeding

Be on the lookout for these signs that may indicate you’re overfeeding or underfeeding your baby bearded dragon:

  • Obesity or rapid weight gain: A sign of overfeeding.
  • Stunted growth or weight loss: May indicate underfeeding.
  • Lethargy or decreased activity: Can be a sign of an improper diet.
  • Digestive issues: Diarrhea or constipation may indicate dietary problems.

If you notice any of these signs, consult with a reptile veterinarian for guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I feed my baby bearded dragon dead crickets?
    While bearded dragons can eat dead crickets, it’s best to offer live ones as they provide mental stimulation and encourage natural hunting behaviors.
  2. How often should I dust crickets with calcium powder?
    Dust crickets with calcium powder at every feeding for baby bearded dragons to ensure proper calcium intake.
  3. What other insects can I feed my baby bearded dragon?
    In addition to crickets, you can offer other insects such as dubia roaches, phoenix worms, and black soldier fly larvae.
  4. How do I store and maintain a supply of crickets?
    Keep crickets in a secure container with proper ventilation, food, and moisture. Remove dead crickets daily to maintain a healthy supply.


Providing the right number of crickets is crucial for the healthy growth and development of your baby bearded dragon. By understanding their nutritional requirements, following a recommended feeding schedule, and avoiding common mistakes, you can ensure your baby dragon thrives.

Remember to monitor your pet’s health closely and adjust feeding habits as needed. If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to consult with a reptile veterinarian for personalized advice.

By following this comprehensive guide on how many crickets to feed your baby bearded dragon, you’ll be well on your way to raising a happy and healthy pet.

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