
Website: Reptifacts
Address: https://reptifacts.com

Reptifacts is a platform dedicated to disseminating information on reptile care, conservation, and related topics. Our objective is to educate, inspire, and connect reptile enthusiasts, fostering a community that shares a passion for these fascinating creatures.


At Reptifacts, we strive to share valuable knowledge and insights on reptile care, conservation, and appreciation. Whether you’re a seasoned reptile keeper, a conservationist, or someone curious about reptiles, our website offers a wealth of information and inspiration.


Our website encompasses a broad spectrum of topics related to reptiles. Here are some focal areas:

  • Reptile Care and Husbandry
  • Species Profiles and Identification
  • Conservation Efforts and News
  • Breeding and Genetics
  • Product Reviews and Recommendations


The information provided on Reptifacts is intended for general informational purposes only. While we strive for accuracy and relevance, we do not warrant the completeness or timeliness of the content. The information shared on this platform should not be perceived as professional advice or a substitute for professional counsel from a qualified veterinarian or herpetologist.


Reptifacts may feature affiliate links to products or services pertinent to reptile care and conservation. These links may yield a commission for us, aiding in the sustenance and growth of the website. Nonetheless, the inclusion of affiliate links does not affect our dedication to delivering objective and unbiased information.

Change of Content

The information and content on Reptifacts may undergo updates, alterations, or removal without prior notification. We reserve the right to amend the website’s structure, design, features, and content at our discretion.

User Responsibility

While we aim to furnish accurate and trustworthy information, it is the user’s duty to validate the information before making any decisions or taking actions based on it. Reptifacts shall not be accountable for any loss or damage arising from the utilization of the information provided on this website.

External Links

This website may host links to external websites beyond our purview. We do not hold responsibility for the content, accuracy, or accessibility of these external sites. The inclusion of any links does not signify endorsement or recommendation by Reptifacts.

By accessing this website, you consent to adhere to the terms and conditions delineated in this disclosure. For any inquiries or concerns regarding this disclosure, please reach out to us through the contact information provided on the Reptifacts website.